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venture an opinion中文是什么意思

用"venture an opinion"造句"venture an opinion"怎么读"venture an opinion" in a sentence


  • 大胆陈述一项意见


  • I would rather not venture an opinion
  • - sir , if i may venture an opinion - i ' m not interested in your opinion
  • Sir , if i may venture an opinion - - i ' m not interested in your opinion
    -长官,恕我斗胆直言- -我不想听你说什么
  • Sir , if i may venture an opinion - - - i ' m not interested in your opinion
    长官,恕我斗胆直言- - -我不想听你说什么
  • But before i have an opportunity to venture an opinion , or even to laugh in his face , van norden goes on with his monologue
用"venture an opinion"造句  


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